Past Events

Design (Research) in the Wild: A Conversation with Brenda Laurel

Back in August, Factor co-founder Bram Wessel sat down to interview one of the pioneers of our field, Brenda Laurel. Bram and Brenda talked about User Research, something that’s at the root of Factor’s practice. IxDA Seattle wrote up a fantastic blog post about the event, which was accompanied by a Salon to help develop …

Design (Research) in the Wild: A Conversation with Brenda Laurel Read More »

Factor at Information Architecture Summit 2018, Chicago

IA Summit, March 21-25 2018, Chicago Gary Carlson and Dana Bublitz conducted Factor’s Enterprise Taxonomy Workshop Bram Wessel and Factor client Melinda Geist of Intel gave their talk: “Got a Taxonomy Emergency? Call the EMT!” Here are the slides for Bram and Melinda’s talk:

Taxonomy Workshop – Designing and Building Taxonomies for eCommerce and the Enterprise

Join the Factor team for this taxonomy that workshop geared to the taxonomy needs of enterprise scale taxonomies. We will cover the breadth of inputs needed to design taxonomies and then show how to translate these inputs into a durable and sustainable taxonomy. The workshop includes activities geared to provide experience with many aspects of the taxonomy design and building process.

Fator at NRF Expo 2017

Factor Exhibiting at NRF Big Show EXPO January 15-17, 2017

We’re pleased to announce that Factor will be an exhibitor at the National Retail Foundation’s Big Show in New York City on January 15-17. Effective retail customer experiences are built on well-constructed information architecture. Factor works with retailers to create omnichannel experiences driven by how their customers see the world. We help retailers ensure all the …

Factor Exhibiting at NRF Big Show EXPO January 15-17, 2017 Read More »